Privacy policy

La Poste SA is a public limited company with share capital of €5,857,785,892, entered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 356 000 000 and whose registered office is at 9 Rue du Colonel Pierre Avia, 75015 Paris (hereinafter ‘La Poste SA’). In its capacity as controller, it processes personal data as part of the internal whistleblowing system made available throughout the entire La Poste Groupe, including the parent company, its business units and all subsidiaries (with the exception of GeoPost). 

The data is processed in order for La Poste SA to comply with the legal obligations concerning its duty of care, anticorruption and preventing influence peddling under the Sapin II Law of 9 December 2016, as amended, and the Potier Law of 27 March 2017. It is also processed for the group’s legitimate interest in whistleblowing on possible breaches of an internal charter or code of ethics.

In order to respond to this whistleblowing, the processing consists of: 

  • collecting, recording and responding to internal whistleblowing or reports; 
  • analysing and processing any whistleblowing by carrying out the necessary checks, investigations and analyses; 
  • defining the follow-up to be given to any whistleblowing; 
  • ensuring that data subjects are protected; 
  • exercising or defending legal rights. 

The data subjects concerned by this processing include the whistleblowers or those submitting the reports as well as the persons referred to (those accused, witnesses, victims, etc.). 

The data processed is identifying data and contact details as well as any potential information that may be provided by the whistleblower or collected in connection with investigations carried out as part of the processing of any report. It is noted that the whistleblower chooses the nature and volume of information that they consider necessary to disclose. Only the information strictly necessary for processing the report will be retained and stored by your entity’s ethics officer.

The data processed is accessible to your entity's ethics officer and the group’s ethics officer. For your information, it may be forwarded to internal or external experts for the purposes of the investigation. In accordance with the Sapin II Law, whistleblowers are informed in advance of, and give their prior consent to, the provision of this data to the experts. Furthermore, the data may be provided to the competent authorities which are authorised to access it as part of their tasks.

This data is kept in an active database until a decision is made on any action to be taken following the report and for the duration of any necessary investigations. It is then archived and retained for a few weeks in order to be able to recontact the whistleblower and, if necessary, for the entire period required for any disciplinary procedure or litigation initiated. 

You have a right of access to, and a right to rectification and erasure of your data as well as a right to restrict and a right to object to the processing of this data, subject to any reasons for refusal that may be legitimately cited. 

These rights may be exercised: 

  • by sending your request via the secure messaging system available using your access code via this link: https://www.alerte-ethique.laposte.fr/; 
  • if you are unable to use the BeSignal platform, by sending a letter to the Group DPO at the following address: 

A l’attention du Délégué à la Protection des Données -CP Y412 - 9 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia 75015 PARIS FRANCE.

In case of any doubt about your identification, you may be asked to provide proof. 

In the event of any difficulty in exercising these rights, you may lodge a complaint with the French Data Protection Authority [Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés] (3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris cedex 07; tel.: +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22).